
There are numerous kind of natural remedies available in Ayurveda world. Herbs are given by our nature that keeps us healthy not only physically but mentally. Ayurvedic remedies contain leaves, flowers, stems, berries, and roots of plants etc. 

In this contemporary era, herbal remedies have respectable value in our society. There are few some products are from

Tulsi(Holy Basil) for Cold, Cough & Flu:

  • It acts on nervous system providing them strength, relieves stress and helps in pain relieving.
  • Holi basil works as antibiotic eliminating the bacteria.
  • It is very helpful in asthmatic and bronchitis conditions.
  • Holy basil (Tulsi) works as good expectorant relieve from wet cough.
  • Holi basil works as a powerful antioxidant thereby helps in preventing early aging signs also makes the skin young.
  • Tulsi also possesses anti-cancerous properties.
  • Holy Basil promotes normal level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.
  • Holy Basil supports normal blood sugar levels.
  • Holy Basil supports normal liver function and a normal immune system.


Neem Soap for Skin Care:

  • It moisturizes the skin and keeps it fresh, calm and charming throughout a day.
  • It prevents infections and ulcers, skin problems in pets,
  • It has anti-bacterial properties and cleans the skin deeply.
  • It removes viruses, bacteria’s,germs, funguses, and parasites from skin.
  • Neem soap purifies the skin and controls skin eruptions and infestations due to fungal and an array of other causes.
  • It relieve the redness of eczema and itching.
  • This soap helps in giving relief from skin irritations too.


Bioslim for Weight Loss:

  • Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • It reduces false hunger and sugar cravings.
  • Increases the basal metabolic rate and energy levels.
  • Prevents protein oxidation and loss of lean body mass. (loss of muscle and water caused by fad diet / starvation diet).
  • It increases the effect of exercise to help you lose weight and extra body fat.

Yoga DVD for Diabetes:

This DVD contains Pranayams, Yog assanas, Acupressure and Home remedies for diabetes. As Diabetes results in many complications in the body like: Cardiac Malfunctioning, Kidney Failure,General weakness, Eye Related problems, Impotency etc to name few. It is not only controlled but also cured by our age old traditional practices of yoga, Pranayamas and Ayurvedic science. Entire world is terrified with this disease and is caught in the clutches of it's unlimited complications.DVD for Diabetes by Swami Ramdev Ji in English & Hindi both in one DVD.

 For more information check: 

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