Saturday 9 June 2012

What should do and don'ts for weight loss?

In this modern era, everybody wants to look like very attractive like models. Even in proffesional level and in friends circles all those people's are appreciated who are looking very active and slim. 


  • Brisk walk. 
  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.
  • Increase the amount of fresh fruit, green vegetables and juices in your diet.
  • Take good balanced fat free diet.
  • Yoga also gives you natural solution to get rid of excessive fat from your body.
  • Eat fiber, wholegrain foods,fresh fruits and vegetables-they does not allow fat to accumulate in the body tissues.
  • Take hot water early in the morning as well as for drinking.
  • start doing some exercise and in addition to all this you may take ayurvedic remedies that will naturally help your body to reduce weight and look smart and young.
  • Cut down on sweets, fried food, cheese and lofty fat food. 
  • Don't feel frustrated.
  • Avoid excessive intake of soft drinks etc.
  • Avoid intake of rice and potatoes, which contain lots of carbohydrates.
  • Among fruits avoid banana, chikoo, grapes and pineapples.
  • Avoid eating frequently.
  • Avoid sitting for a long time & long sleep hours
  • Food prepared with fine-flour (maida) & things which promote fat should avoid.
  • Avoid ghee (clarified butter).
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not take excessive medication

After achieving the preferred weight loss, you may reduce the intake of capsule.

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