Tuesday 3 July 2012

Natural Soap For Skin Problems

Neem Soap has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties which helps to keep the skin soft and supple as well as helps to protect the skin from eczema, infections, acne and nourishes it.Nature's best Swastik Neem Soap, Camphorous Neem Soap with skin conditioners.

Benefits of Neem Soap:
  • It has anti-bacterial properties and cleans the skin deeply.
  • It removes viruses, bacteria’s,germs, fungus and parasites from skin.
  • Neem soap purifies the skin and controls skin eruptions and infestations due to fungal and an array of other causes.
  • It relieve the redness of eczema and itching.
 Packing : 75g - 1 Pack

Method of usage: Wet body and face, apply genorously and rinse or as directed by the physician. Regularly cleanse the skin.

Find out further detail about Neem Soap-> Click Here

These soap bars are vegetable based and contain pure essential oils to rejuvenate and soothes the skin. Neem soaps are beneficial for super sensitive skins.It is one of the best Ayurvedic treatments for skin problems.Neem soap has been commonly used to fight infections & disease and an antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal benefit of neem keeps skin free from common aliments & fight with body odor.

For More Information click:   http://www.ayurvedic-care.in

How to increase memory- Memory Booster

 Brahmi is rich in minerals  like calcium, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium,  aluminum and iron. Brahmi is very popular because it acts as an antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-amoebic,  insecticidal, vulnerary substance. it is cerebrovascular stimulating a circulatory stimulant and it accelerates wound healing.

 Famous with other Names:

English Name: Thyme-Leaved Gratiola / Bacopa
Indian Name / Sanskrit: Brahmi
Latin Names: Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennel

Benefits of Brahmi:
  • Brahmi helps in decreasing anxiety and mental fatigue and promotes freshness in your mind.
  • It helps in improving mental performance and increasing learning capacity.
  • It is also very effective in treating menstrual disorders and painful menses.
  • It is helpful in increasing mental concentration level.
  • It helps in maintaining mental calmness and has an appetite for stress.
  • It helps in rejuvenating there lost energies and makes them feel good and relaxed.
  • It helps in maintaining lowering blood pressure to the normal level.
  • Brahmi also finds its application in cough and cold related problem.
  • It is also very effective in depression related problems.

More Detail about Brahmi -> Click Here

Brahmi  has mild sedative effects; it is an anti-inflammatory externally; it is an adatogenic tonic, alternative, anti-rheumatic, restorative. It is a relaxant to the whole nervous system.
Brahmi is used as a mental tonic ,to rejuvenate the body, as a memory booster, nerve tonic ,as well as blood purifier and for healing all kinds of skin diseases. It is one of the best  herb known and its use promotes a calm , clear mind and improves mental function .It has a reputation for providing long life and is used in many rejuvenating compounds. 

For More Information Check:   http://www.ayurvedic-care.in 

Friday 15 June 2012

Yoga DVDs

Yoga DVD for Diabetes:

This DVD contains specially designed package of yoga, a natural method of healing, which not only controls but cures diabetes and it's complications. This DVD contains Pranayams, Yoga assanas, Acupressure and Home remedies for diabetes. As Diabetes results in many complications in the body like: Cardiac Malfunctioning, Kidney Failure,General weakness, Eye Related problems, Impotency etc to name few. It is not only controlled but also cured by our age old traditional practices of yoga, Pranayamas and Ayurvedic science. Entire world is terrified with this disease and is caught in the clutches of it's unlimited complications.DVD for Diabetes by Swami Ramdev Ji in English & Hindi both in one DVD.

Yoga DVD for Women:

In the DVD Yoga for women, pranayama, yoga asanas occur that are beneficial to all problems relating to women. All yoga exercises contained in this DVD are useful in all kinds of menstrual disorders, hormonal imbalances, etc.This DVD contains pranayamas, acupressure, yoga Assan and home remedies. This DVD offers a complete solution for ailments related to women as Harmonal Imbalance, uncertainities in the menstrual cycle, uterine and ovarian disorders, anemia, etc. Beauty matters, wrinkles, hair loss, such as pimples, dark circles, graying hair, obesity, height, etc. are also exposed effectively through Yog, Ayurveda and natural medicine.

Saturday 9 June 2012

What should do and don'ts for weight loss?


In this modern era, everybody wants to look like very attractive like models. Even in proffesional level and in friends circles all those people's are appreciated who are looking very active and slim. 


  • Brisk walk. 
  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.
  • Increase the amount of fresh fruit, green vegetables and juices in your diet.
  • Take good balanced fat free diet.
  • Yoga also gives you natural solution to get rid of excessive fat from your body.
  • Eat fiber, wholegrain foods,fresh fruits and vegetables-they does not allow fat to accumulate in the body tissues.
  • Take hot water early in the morning as well as for drinking.
  • start doing some exercise and in addition to all this you may take ayurvedic remedies that will naturally help your body to reduce weight and look smart and young.
  • Cut down on sweets, fried food, cheese and lofty fat food. 
  • Don't feel frustrated.
  • Avoid excessive intake of soft drinks etc.
  • Avoid intake of rice and potatoes, which contain lots of carbohydrates.
  • Among fruits avoid banana, chikoo, grapes and pineapples.
  • Avoid eating frequently.
  • Avoid sitting for a long time & long sleep hours
  • Food prepared with fine-flour (maida) & things which promote fat should avoid.
  • Avoid ghee (clarified butter).
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not take excessive medication

After achieving the preferred weight loss, you may reduce the intake of capsule.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Skin care with Ayurveda

In this Modern world, nobody wants to look like average; everybody wants best look and attractive personality. Who has appealing look those are appreciated everywhere such as in parties, office even in social society. How we can get natural look in this busy and competitive life? There are numerous products available in Ayurveda and herbs world. Some of herbal beauty and skin care products are:

1.Skin care-Neem Soap 
2.Skin Diseases-Divya Kayakalp Vati
3.Skin Care-Neem
4.Skin disorders-Patanjali Nimb Ghan Vati

One is described:

Skin Face Pack- Divya Kanti Lep helps in curing all types of skin diseases effectively and quickly. Divya Kanti Lep is prepared from natural herbs and safe & effective. It is a natural product and gives wonderful results when applied on the skin. It helps to bring back the shining and luster on your face. It helps your skin to regain back its lost elasticity and prevents signs of aging. Divya Kanti Lep helps in quick healing of the burns and helps in preventing the formation of scalds.


•It removes all the unwanted spots from skin & gives a soothing and cooling effect.
•It helps in purifying your blood and removing all the harmful chemicals from body and making your skin free from any unwanted chemicals.
•It makes skin healthy and helps it to glow and look beautiful.
•It helps in the regeneration of new cells of the skin and it helps to remove the old and worn out cells from skin.
•It is also an effective product used for treating the insect bites, blisters, rashes and ulcers of the skin.

About Ingredients / how to apply this face pack etc. Then Please Click Here

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Which kind of medicines in Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic is the traditional medicine of India, which originated there over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda emphasizes re-establishing balance in the body through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and body cleansing, and on the health of the mind, body, and spirit. In North America, Ayurveda is considered a form of alternative medicine. Like traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda is a whole medical system, meaning that it is based on theories of health and illness and on methods of preventing and treating health conditions.

Herbal Medicines

Herbal Medicine has been used and practiced long before pharmaceutical discoveries and continues to be a popular choice to treat health concerns. Herbs from plants are used to treat a patient's individual health needs. It might come as a surprise but many established medicines are developed from plants, for example: poppies produce the main ingredient of the painkiller morphine. Herbal medicine also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine refers to using a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Read More

Baba Ramdev medicines

Baba Ram Dev or more commonly known as Swami Ramdev is a world renowned Yoga guru, who has revolutionized the world with his tremendous approach towards Yoga. He is a popular face amongst famous personality in Indian Subcontinent. The popularity of Baba cam into limelight in early years of 21 st century has he taught people with is command over Yoga and pranayam. He is one of the most popular faces as he is also a social activist and speaks on issues like medical conditions.Read More

Homeopathic medicines

The term homeopathy comes from the Greek words homeo, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning suffering or disease. Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself by giving very small doses of highly diluted substances.people have used homeopathy to maintain health and treat a wide range of long-term illnesses, such as allergies, atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome. They have also used it to treat minor injuries, such as cuts and scrapes and muscle strains or sprains. Homeopathic treatment is not considered appropriate for illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, major infections, or emergencies.Read More

Beauty & Skin care

Ayurvedic skin care is indigenous to India and based on traditional vedic formulations. Ayurvedic Beauty Products are different to most natural skin and Hair care in that they are formulated from herbs not essential oils.From an ayurvedic perspective there are seven dhatus or tissues. The outer layer being the skin and innermost being the blood plasma. Srotas or channels pass through the dhatus. Srotas when blocked or filled with toxins are the seat of disease or imbalance. Herbs like Curcumin and saffron are commonly used in ayurvedic skin care. Curucmin or turmeric has anti bacterial, degonestant and rich in vitamins which help to even the tone of the skin.  Read More

Weight loss

Ayurvedic weight loss takes a different approach to traditional Western fat loss method. The modern perspective of weight loss relies upon the reduction of pounds or kilos of fat. Ayurveda, one of the oldest systems of natural medicine, deals with the problem of obesity with a holistic perspective. When digestion is poor, metabolism is sluggish and cleansing is inadequate, the body is prone to unhealthy accumulation of fatty tissue. Otherwise fat is considered as the building blocks – one of the seven tissues – in body. Besides, there are seven primary body mind types or constitutions based on Vata, Pitta and Kapha.Read More